Collaborations are not only an effective method to increase traction for your business, but they’re also an excellent way to make friends in like-minded communities. That’s why we’re so excited to be collaborating with Brighter Together’s Jamie Bright and her Grow With Collabs Online Summit! Virtual attendees will get to hear business owners and entrepreneurs, including 20Degrees Media founder Mindy Lundy Kramer, speaking about their personal experiences and tips for collaborating with other teams. Attendees can also expect a virtual goodie bag full of resources made by the speakers to help them tackle any group project!
The bulk of this summit will be entirely free to those who register, but there’ll also be additional paid options with even more benefits:
- Free: Access to the videos made by participating business owners for 48 hours as well as a digital goodie bag containing guides, extra tips, and materials to make your collaborations easier!
- $49 Ticket: Access to the Implementation Notebook, outlines from each session, and download links for all the videos
- $149 Ticket: Access to a Zoom call with the other participants in the summit to meet and create collaborations with!
Here’s a link to register for the free ticket, and here’s how you can upgrade it!

Accompanying the amazing list of entrepreneurs will be our very own Mindy Lundy Kramer, discussing her own personal experiences with collaborations and partnerships with other businesses. Her own addition to the goodie bag will be a special Event Planning Template, so you can walk through each part of the process step by step, and make sure that not only your team, but your partner’s team is up to speed with what’s going on! Mindys’s also going to be giving out her inside tips on how to know who you should be collaborating with. Ever wondered about influencers? Mindy’s going to dish on that too! Plus, her segment’s going to touch on her personal experiences with and the importance of diversity representation in collaborations.
Registration is open now, so make sure to sign up while you can, and be on the lookout for Mindy’s video, which will be free to watch for 48 hours after it’s released.