For some, the idea of social media marketing is a dream come true. Interacting with fans and other businesses across all of these unique and ever-changing platforms can be a fun time more than anything else. For others, having to keep up with multiple accounts, trends, and even the potential expenses associated with this form of marketing is an unneeded stressor. The good news is, depending on your business, social media doesn’t have to be something you need to consider. Let’s go over how to determine whether or not social media is a necessity for your business, and if it isn’t, some other ways you can market your brand.
Now, social media and digital media marketing don’t have to be synonymous with each other, but in a lot of cases, the former is often the backbone of the latter. Some businesses do and should rely on social media to promote themselves. The biggest tell, if this is your case, is where your target audience is. If they’re on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest, you should be on there as well, as you already know those are the perfect places to communicate with them!

Brands that rely heavily on visuals are typically going to benefit from having detailed social media accounts as well. If you’re selling hiking gear, for example, it helps for your customers to see people using it or talking about it, whether it be in photos or videos they can easily find on your profiles.
Before we go any further, it’s important to state that just because your business doesn’t need to pursue social media marketing and it’s something you’re interested in, you should feel more than free to take a crack at it. In a lot of cases, these businesses can still benefit from having a social media presence, but it doesn’t have to make up the entirety of their marketing.

Let’s go over some cases where your brand can focus on other forms of digital media marketing. As stated before, know where your audience is. If your target persona isn’t someone who uses social media, you might be better off putting your energy into marketing in other areas. Examples would be a dental lab or a wholesaler – why? Dentists are not on social media to find a high quality lab, they’re most likely going to be word of mouth. Wholesalers – depends on the market but eyewear is one we know. You won’t often see private labels like Oakley or Smith advertising who their sources are, so wholesalers won’t have much time in the spotlight or on social media.
If your brand already has a following through other means, social media marketing doesn’t have to be a necessity. As long as you have some other method of keeping your customers informed, such as through email, newsletters, text campaigns, you’re already reaping some of the benefits of what social media can give you, and you don’t have to spread your team or energy so thin.
Social media isn’t for every business and that’s a fact. However, digital media marketing is and can be a valuable tool for your brand. Perhaps that means creating a more robust and capable website or getting your Google My Business dialed in. Whatever it may be, we are more than happy to help you find what works best for your brand. Schedule a free consultation with us and let’s get your marketing back on track.